Academic publications
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To. D. K., Adimari, G., and Chiogna, M. (2024). Interval estimation in three-class receiver operating characteristic analysis: A fairly general approach based on the empirical likelihood. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 33, 5, 875 - 893. DOI: 10.1177/09622802241238998
Adimari, G., To. D. K., Chiogna, M., Scatozza, F. and Facchiano, A. (2024). Likelihood-type confidence regions for optimal sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 189, 107840 - 107857. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2023.107840
To. D. K., Adimari, G., and Chiogna, M. (2023). ClusROC: An R package for ROC analysis in three-class classification problems for clustered data. The R Journal. 15, 1, 254 - 270. DOI: 10.32614/RJ-2023-035
To. D. K., Adimari, G., Chiogna, M. and Risso, D. (2022). Receiver operating characteristic estimation and threshold selection criteria in three-class classification problems for clustered data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 31, 7, 1325-1341. DOI: 10.1177/09622802221089029
To. D. K., Adimari, G., and Chiogna, M. (2022). Estimation of the volume under a ROC surface in presence of covariates. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 174, 107434-107448. DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2022.107434
Romanato, M., Piatkowska, W., Spolaor, F., To, D. K., Volpe, D., and Sawacha, Z. (2022). Different perspectives in understanding muscle functions in Parkinson’s disease through surface electromyography: exploring multiple activation patterns. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 64, 102658. DOI: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2022.102658
Adimari, G., To. D. K., and Chiogna, M. (2022). Confidence regions for optimal sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test. Book of Short Papers, 51th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society - SIS 2022. Pearson, ISBN: 9788891932310, 2000-2005. Download
Adimari, G., To. D. K. and Chiogna, M. (2021). Non-monotone transformation of biomarkers. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 30, 2, 349-353. DOI: 10.1177/0962280220950050
Guolo. A and To. D. K. (2021). A pseudo-likelihood approach for multivariate meta-analysis of test accuracy studies with multiple thresholds. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 30, 1, 204-220. DOI: 10.1177/0962280220948085
Spolaor, F., Romanato, M., Annamaria, G., Peppe, A., Bakdounes, L., To, D. K., Volpe, D. and Sawacha, Z. (2021). Relationship between Muscular Activity and Postural Control Changes after Proprioceptive Focal Stimulation (Equistasi{\textregistered}) in Middle-Moderate Parkinson’s Disease Patients: An Explorative Study. Sensors. 21, 2, 560. DOI: 10.3390/s21020560
To Duc, K., Chiogna, M. and Adimari, G. (2020). Nonparametric estimation of ROC surfaces in presence of verification bias. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal. 18, 5, 697-720. DOI: 10.57805/revstat.v18i5.327
To. D. K., Adimari, G. and Chiogna, M. (2020). Selecting optimal thresholds in ROC analysis with clustered data. Book of Short Papers, 50th Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society - SIS 2020. Pearson, ISBN: 9788891910776, 803-808. Download
To. D. K. and Adimari, G. and Chiogna, M. (2020). Mean score equation and instrumental variables: another look at estimating the volume under the ROC surface when data are missing not at random. Stat. 9:e259. DOI: 10.1002/sta4.259
To Duc, K., Chiogna, M. and Adimari, G. (2019). Estimation for the volume under ROC surface in presence of nonignorable verification bias. Statistical Methods and Applications. 28, 4, 695-722. DOI: 10.1007/s10260-019-00451-3
Minh N. D., Khanh T. D., Tuan N. H. and Trong D. D. (2018). A two dimensional backward heat problem with statistical discrete data. Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems. 26, 1, 13-31. DOI: 10.1515/jiip-2016-0038
To Duc, K. (2017). bcROCsurface: an R package for correcting verification bias in estimation of the ROC surface and its volume for continuous diagnostic tests. BMC Bioinformatics. 18:503. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-017-1914-3
To Duc, K., Chiogna, M. and Adimari, G. (2016). Bias-corrected methods for estimating the receiver operating characteristic surface of continuous diagnostic tests. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 10, 2, 3063-3113. DOI: 10.1214/16-EJS1202
Trong D. D., Khanh T. D., Tuan N. H., Minh N. D. (2015). Nonparametric regression in a statistical modified Helmholtz equation using Fourier spectral regularization. Statistic: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics. 49, 2, 267-290. DOI: 10.1080/02331888.2014.946929
Submitted articles
To. D. K., Adimari, G., and Chiogna, M., (2023). A new evaluation strategy for diagnostic tests under umbrella or tree ordering. Submitted.
bcROCsurface: Bias-corrected methods for estimating ROC surface and VUS for continuous diagnostic tests. Available on CRAN-R:, version 1.0-5 (2022).
ShinyApps: Correction for Verification Bias in Estimation of ROC Surface Analysis.
ClusROC: ROC Analysis in Three-Class Classification Problems for Clustered Data. Available on CRAN-R:, version 1.0.2 (2023).